Assignment Submission types at #academy international

Online text
#Students type their responses directly in Moodle using a text editor (such as the Atto editor which automatically saves text at regular intervals.) It's possible to set a word limit on an online text assignment. Students get a warning if they try to exceed the word limit. Numbers are counted as words and abbreviations such as I'm or they're are counted as single words.

File submissions
Students can upload one or more files of any type the teacher can open. The teacher can annotate uploaded PDFs, docx and odt files within the browser, and on saving, the annotated file is made available to the student.

Maximum submission size
The maximum upload size refers to each file a student uploads. It cannot be larger than the limit in the Course settings.

Accepted file types
The teacher can specify the types of file the students may upload to the assignment. A file type selector appears upon clicking 'Choose', offering a choice of different file types.

If the file types have been restricted, then when students attempt to submit the assignment, they will see a message telling them which files are accepted: #government #school #teacher
Students government teacher school