'Make, Measure, Monitor' With Business Intelligence Systems - Business Intelligence Dashboards


Business intelligence describes a toolset and process, which systematically organizes and displays your company data. Intelligence systems assist you in making strategic and operative decisions based on detailed analytic data and reports. Implementing a business intelligence solution not only requires programming qualifications but also necessitates a detailed understanding of business processes, business administration, and business economics. 

With that being said, in developing your business intelligence solution, you do not have to “start from scratch”, but instead base it on well-established open-source products and adapt it to your specific requirements by adding additional custom components, interfaces, and modules.

 Cornerstones of the Development Process: 

 - Analysis of your company-specific informational requirements. 

 - Analysis of existing core-data (e.g. in ERP systems and MDM systems).

 - Visualisation of processes using flow charts. 

 - Decision, whether classic methods or agile methods (waterfall model, SCRUM, etc.) are to be employed. 

 - Development of a roadmap. 

 - Optional design of a software prototype, which makes employee training possible at an early stage in the project. 

 - Final presentation and employee training. 


Business Intelligence dashboards are a collection of graphical elements that give you a quick snapshot of how your organization is performing and its future. BI dashboards include charts, graphs, gauges, and tables so you can easily make sense of complex data from your business systems at a glance. Many run their business from an executive dashboard that shows key performance indicators and scorecards across the entire business.


Business Intelligence scorecards are a collection of metrics such as revenue and cash flow that are used to measure an organization’s performance against target. They help executives turn their business strategy into specific goals that can be communicated, measured, and monitored throughout the organization. 

Performance scorecards keep a business accountable and focused on achieving set results. Business scorecards show you at a glance how the business is doing and where you need to focus. They highlight what you had aimed to achieve, and what the difference is between objectives and results. Scorecards measure each key performance indicator (KPI) against the target, with the results compared with the previous time period.


Business Intelligence analysis is used for instant analysis of large amounts of data, regardless of which business system it comes from. Business analysis is often used to reveal trends that might not be discovered easily by viewing standard reports – to identify trends, problems, and opportunities. 

Often known as “slice and dice” or OLAP (online analytical processing), analysis lets you quickly investigate multiple dimensions, such as revenue per product or service, per region, per year. Sometimes business analysts want to analyze their data in Microsoft Excel, so you may need to ensure your BI solution has this capability.


Business intelligence reporting allows employees at all levels to pull information from an organization’s business systems for day-to-day operations and decision-making. The production of structured, formal reports such as board reports and profit and loss (P&L) reports enables information to be delivered in a standard format. This type of reporting is focused on producing reports and is referred to as relational reporting.

On-Demand Information, In-Time Decisions

Enterprise reporting has opened up a whole new frontier of Business Intelligence.   Businesses can not afford to entertain longer response times to market and key decision-makers need to have access to relevant analytics and reports right away without relying on IT department. Business Intelligence is more than massaging and transforming vast amounts of stored data in some kind of reporting format. The core promise of a Business Intelligence system is to deliver analytical facets of business information that trigger proactive decision-making.

Business Intelligence is the single most important key performance indicator representing the real-time state of the entire business. Real-time dashboards, Rich Interactive Charts with Multi-Level drill-down capabilities, 360o multi-dimensional analysis of critical data elements such as average delivery time, customer Value/ROI ratio, revenue recognition and product performance indicators are required tools for agile execution of strategy and quick decision-making to respond to market dynamics.